IT Valley
The Fribourg digital association
IT Valley is Fribourg's digital association, bringing together partners involved in training, consulting, operations, research and development in information and communication technologies. Its role is to enhance the competitiveness of its members by promoting the acquisition of new knowledge, encouraging the transfer of knowledge and technology between academia and the business world, and enriching teaching in IT and telecommunications training courses.
IT Valley's mission is to
- position the region in the IT sector and contribute to its attractiveness
- encourage the joint acquisition of new knowledge
- promote mastery of new technologies
- support knowledge and technology transfer between universities and industry, especially SMEs
- enrich teaching in the field's training courses
- increase the attractiveness of IT training courses
- develop inter-company exchanges
- to act as an interlocutor between the political authorities and the business world, to discuss, negotiate and find solutions to IT-related problems
- coordinate with regional and national IT associations.
IT Valley offers an innovative program with :
- conferences on current IT topics (Tech Meeting)
- company visits to get closer to the concerns of our member companies
- training workshops on current and innovative topics
- business workshops to bring together members offering IT services with their customers to facilitate E2E processes
- active networking between its active members and interested outsiders by facilitating networking and pitching its members' activities
- new: brings together the IT skills of its collective and individual members in a digital communication portal for the benefit of all economic players and training courses.
For further information:
- www.itvalley.ch
- info@itvalley.ch
- Membership application
- https://portail-digital.ch to discover IT companies and skills in the canton of Fribourg