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Video replay - Live Talk on 2D/3D collaborative platforms for business

par Marco Mari

Alp ICT invites companies to share their experiences of the new digital realities following the Covid-19 crisis, every Thursday on Zoom, from 12:00 to 12:30.

This Live Talk presents the benefits of 2D/3D collaborative platforms for use in business and industry. An overview of new virtual collaboration tools with IMVERSEan expert in volumetric telepresence, and the national network Virtual Switzerlanda national network specializing in immersive technologies and applications:

  • The added value of immersive platforms for collaborative work - ergonomics and use
  • Presentation of 3D platforms (some with 2D option as well): VirBELA / Mozilla Hubs / Altspace / Glue.work / MeetinVR / Spatial / Engage
  • Advantages of 3D over 2D (presence & interactivity)
  • Future trends: realistic versus simplified content, and technological challenges
  • Live streaming / broadcasting: large audience, interaction and creation, industry applications.

An event co-organized with Virtual Switzerland on June 18, 2020.

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