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Exploration Green IT: Swiss IT goes green

par Marco Mari

In 2021, alp ict has teamed up with Heidi.News to launch an Exploration on Green IT in Western Switzerland, with the support of CleantechAlps and theOPI. Around ten episodes will be published every Monday, accessible free of charge on the Heidi.news website or in their newsletter.

Exploration presentation: Swiss IT goes green

27/08 - Episode 1: The truth about the digital carbon footprint

08/30 - Bonus 1: Bitcoin's ecological footprint, a minefield

06/09 - Episode 2: Giant boilers in data centers

08/09 - Bonus 2: How to certify data centers' green credentials?

09/13 - Episode 3: In Neuchâtel, watchmaking expertise as a lever for sustainable IT

09/20 - Episode 4: Artificial intelligence for the environment

27/09 - Episode 5: From Gros-de-Vaud, electricity goes digital to facilitate the energy transition

04/10 - Episode 6: A new repair economy is born out of programmed obsolescence

06/10 - Bonus 3: The sprawling network of Swiss computer recycling

About Heidi.news

Founded in 2019 in Geneva, Heidi.news is an online news medium offering precision journalism. It publishes daily news, thematic newsletters and major reports and investigations in Switzerland and around the world. Heidi.news is financed by its readers, with no advertising.

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