Two new brochures highlight Fribourg innovations
We recommend that you read two new brochures highlighting innovations from Fribourg:
Collaborating to innovate published by the Fribourg School of Engineering and Architecture (HEIA-FR)
A bilingual university at the heart of Switzerland, HEIA-FR works closely with the economic and industrial fabric. Each year, it trains over 1,000 students in its six Bachelor's and four Master's programs. It also maintains a rich network of applied research and development (Ra&D) in the service of the economy. Its ten institutes and four competence centers meet the technological and scientific challenges of the regional and national economy. Discover your future research partner on these pages.
Examples of innovation at the University of Fribourg (UNIFR)
A brochure published by UNIFR's Knowledge and Technology Transfer Service (TST).
Examples: UNIFR researchers collaborate with academia and industry and succeed in obtaining innovation funds, such as the Swiss innovation agency Innosuisse, the BRIDGE program or Eurostars. The University provides support in the application process and in protecting intellectual property.
Support: TST helps turn research results into benefits for society. Whether through a start-up or collaboration with an established company, the TST department helps you understand and forge a path, as well as draft, negotiate and approve research contracts and patent applications. TST manages all UNIFR's intellectual property.
Financing : The TST service helps you set up collaborations with industrial partners by identifying funding and providing and negotiating the appropriate agreements. Collaborations can be financed directly by industrial partners or co-financed with Innosuisse funds.