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SDSC 2025 innovation projects: call for projects

by Alp ICT

The Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC), in partnership with the Canton of Vaud, is launching an ambitious initiative aimed at strengthening the impact of data science on the local economy and public community. This strategic partnership focuses on innovative collaborative projects, combining academic excellence, industrial potential and the commitment of public players.

Details & online application until January 31, 2025.

Supporting innovation & creating lasting impact with data science

Projects supported under this call for projects can be carried out by individual companies or academic and industrial consortia located in the Canton of Vaud. The aim is to generate a significant and tangible impact in one of the following areas:

  • Energy and sustainability
  • Health and biomedical
  • Social impact and digital transformation

Winners will benefit from human and financial support including, among others:

  • contribution to project management and implementation by SDSC staff. Allocated according to project needs - data scientists, data engineers, engineers specialized in the operationalization of AI projects and project managers with solid industrial experience - and co-financed by SPEI and SDSC for 12 months for a budget equivalent to up to CHF 250,000.
  • direct financial assistance to build a consortium of partners from Vaud's industrial and academic fabric, by supporting the salary costs associated with the project, up to a maximum of CHF 150,000.

Details & online application until January 31, 2025.

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