Home / events / Conference - Ingénieuse, je suis et j'en fais mon métier!

Conference - I'm an engineer, and I'm making it my profession!

May 16, 2024 - May 16, 2024
CCIF - Fribourg
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By 2030, more girls will be professional engineers! Who are the key players and what avenues should be explored? A new meeting organized by IT Valley between SMEs, higher education institutions, compulsory training, the Academy of Sciences and all the players involved in promoting inclusion and diversity within the digital professions.

Details & online registration.

Among the topics to be discussed, you'll be able to attend and take part in talks on the following topics: 

  • the existing ecosystem and the panorama of players 
  • levers to activate (and levers that don't work!)
  • inspiring solutions and horizon 2030
  • of girls in tech and academies
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